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Studying ELISA Recognition System for Identifying the Amount of Poison in Wheat ...

Today, ELISA is known as one of the most powerful lab-research methods in the world. This method has a high level of sensitivity in that it is utilized in different vital sciences from identifying little amounts of hormones, vital molecules in clinical medicine and research tests. Fungi, cause the production of different types of mycotoxin which are more resistant than poisonous metabolites, so they pollute nutritional materials and possibly the environment. In addition to mycotoxins and other poisonous metabolites, fungi make significant changes in grains such as reduction in nutritional value of the product resulted by the analysis of protein, fat, sugar, production of aroma-reducer metabolites, reduction in gluten level and finally reduction in flour value as well as effect on the rheological properties of dough. Considering the high level of moisture in most of the months in different regions of the country which are susceptible to fungi growth, and also the inappropriate conditions of keeping preserving wheat flour in many silos and flour storage rooms, some of the bakers’ unawareness of how to keep flour and low price of flour, its significance in Iranians’ food quota, it is significant to study the level of flour fungi and wheat pollution. This is a study of the use and ELISA recognition systemmethod which is modernmethod of recognition inorder to identify the poison and prevent pollution in wheat flour.

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