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Pasta with barely flour 

Pasta with Barley Flour:                               

Whole barley grain is nutritionally so valuable and generally contains vitamin B1, Folic acid, biotin, vitamin B5, vitamin E, and minerals like zinc, selenium, copper, iron, manganese, and magnesium. Protein value of this grain is much higher than other grains such as wheat in a way that the protein in barely is two times more than protein ion wheat and corn. More importantly, barely has a special nutritional value for having dissolvable fibers and amino acid.

Dissolvable fibers in barely are significant in raising blood cholesterol. Furthermore, these nutritional fibers could excrete most of poison in body.

Advantages of consuming pasta with barley flour:

1) Preventing obesity in adolescents, extreme fluctuations in blood sugar and insulin.

2) Aiding to stop tumors' growth

3) Declining the probability of getting breast cancer before menopause

4) Preventing LDL increase in lungs and declining heart attacks

5) Declining abdominal pains and healing constipation

6) Being useful for gout

7) Declining asthma symptoms for having selenium

8) Declining the danger of getting afflicted by diabetes type 2

9) Improving body immune system

10) Being useful for digestive diseases

11) Healing chronic diseases such as TB, blood phlegm, kidney and bladder swelling

12) Being useful for biliary patients for bile secretion facilitation

13) Treating and healing impaired textures of body

Today, consuming pasta produced with appropriate nutritional and medical values has been of great importance. Therefore, we could prevent some chronic diseases in future by modifying food diets and consuming pasta with barely flour.