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Prebiotic Pasta 

Prebiotic Pasta:

Since people today have insufficient vitamins and minerals in their diets prebiotics have attracted many nutrition experts for their health and also the most aspect of it consists of fat and food in high quantity and low quality. Despite the inappropriate and common nutrition in Iran, the significance of consuming these syntheses could supply the body's needs.

Prebiotics, literally known as "life pre-requisite", is an indigestible food synthesis which is functionally effective on host's body. They selectively make a number of useful intestine bacteria grow and activate. One of the most important features of these syntheses is that they should be resistant against enzymes, secreted syntheses in saliva and small intestine so that they remain intact in the access of large intestine's useful bacteria.

Considering that the driers' temperature is almost 90◦C and extrusion is done over 120 rounds, there were some comprehensive researches in pasta production to use the best type of prebiotics. In fact, the type of the applied prebiotic should be in a way that they do not dissolve during the necessary process in high temperature, in addition they should not have unpleasant taste and texture and should be appealing for the consumer regarding color and appearance.

Inulin of Cosucra in Belgium has been used in Zar Macaron prebiotic pasta because it has the required properties and rehabilitates prebiotic effects after the process and getting re-cooked in pot.

Adding these syntheses to pasta could have influential effects among which the following ones are mentioned:

1) Effect on constipation reduction: By a defective fermentation in body, Fibers surround the water inside digestion system, also fermentation of foods with fiber increase microbe volume and stool.

2) Effect on blood fat reduction: prebiotic can decline blood fat

3) Effect on inflammatory diseases: prebiotics can increase immune and reduce enteritis by changing bacterial flora in digestion system.

4) Effect on preventing large intestine cancer: it is possible to control the growth of cancer cells by reactions obtained from activities between prebiotic synthesis and large intestine's fermentation.

5) Effect on absorbing useful substances: there have been researches on human and animals which indicate prebiotic's positive role on absorption of iron, magnesium, calcium and zinc.