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Comparison of Rheological Properties of Null Flour

Identifying the quality of the consumed flour to utilize in different industries such as bakery, pastry, cake, cookies, and pasta could have a significant role in production of the pasta with high quality. The study of rheological properties of three kinds of flour including, Semolina, Null, equal mixture of Semolina and Null, was done by means of Falling, Alveograph and Extensograph in order to make pasta. Tests of zeleny sedimentation value, moisturized gluten were performed for these three types of flour. The results of Extensograph on the factors of energy, elasticity resistance, elasticity, maximum elasticity resistance, standard relevant resistance, maximum relevant resistance of flour indicated that the sample of semolina was superior to those of null and the equal mixture of null and semolina. The results of Alveograph on factors of pressure, energy, length, pressure/length, elasticity index indicated that semolina had a better condition in comparison with the other two. The results obtained from amylase activity in Falling of the mentioned flour indicated semolina has the least amount of amylase activity. Semolina derived from Durum wheat in Alveograph figure showed a lower elasticity for its high gluten and low Gliadin compared to null flour and the mixture of these two kinds of flour. One should bear in mind that the low elasticity property and the high elasticity property of dough are considered as the appropriate factors in the quality of pasta production. Similarly, low L and high ϸ make an appropriate condition for dough extrude.

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