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Pasta with Soya Flour 

Pasta with Soya Flour:                                                    

Soya is considered as an essential and main food in many Asian countries which has valuable nutritional material such as protein. Soya is rich in vitamin of group B; also it contains vitamins C, D, E, K and a little carotene. It also contains antibiotic synthesis which eliminates harmful bacteria of intestine. Soya has a noticeable amount of minerals such as calcium, iron, sodium, potassium, zinc, and phosphorus.

Since soya protein is similar to animal protein and is used as an alternative for meat, its flour can be used in pasta production efficiently. Proteins in soya contain the main amino acids required for human body.

Further advantages of consuming soya flour pasta are:

1) Affecting skin and hair health for having vitamin E

2) Losing weight, cholesterol, triglycerides, and increasing large intestine's function for its fiber

3) Preventing fatigue, various types of neural diseases for its vitamin B1

4) Preventing skin inflammation as well as cataract for it vitamin B2

5) Preventing clotting and vein obstruction for its magnesium

6) Building bones and preventing bone-loss for its anti-oxidant

7) Preventing ovary cancer

8) Replacing artificial hormones in menopause for being rich in estrogen hormone

9) Being really useful for patients with gout, rheumatism and the individuals suffering from weakness

All these points make us enrich flour with these syntheses and undoubtedly public informing about its wonderful effects of soya flour may create a wide-spread market for the produced pasta. As a result, we have taken steps both in developing food industry and improving standards of the society's health.