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The comparison of rheological characteristics of semolina, null flour and mixtur ...

Determining the quality of the consuming flours to use in various industries such as bakery, confectionary, cakes and cookies, and macaroni could have a significant role in the production of a product with a good quality.

 Evaluating the rheological characteristics of the three types of various flour include Semolina, Null and mixture of semolina-Null (50%-50%) for producing pasta were assessed by Extensograph, Alveograph and Falling number. Also the study tests of Zeleni sediment, wet Gluten were done for these types of flour.

The study of the results regarding the effects of Extensograph on factors such as energy, resistance to extension, the maximum resistance to extension, ratio number, and the maximum ratio number indicated that the Semolina is superior to Null and the mixture of Null-Semolina. Besides, the results obtained from the effect of Alveograph on the factors of pressure, energy, length, pressure/length, swelling index and the elasticity indicated that Semolina had a better condition than two other samples.

The results obtained from the Amylase activity in Falling Number showed that Semolina had the lowest Amylase activity. Semolina obtained from Durum wheat due to the high glutenin as well as the low gliadin indicates a lower elasticity than Null and flours mixture in Aleograph.

It should be considered that the low elasticity and the high extensibility of flour are important factors in pasta production quality. Also the low length and the high pressure make appropriate conditions for dough extruding.

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