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The Effect of Inulin Addition on THE Rheological Properties of Pasta Dough

Functional foods, which are capable of improving the health and decreasing the risk of disease, contain the compounds with biological activity. Adding these compounds to human diet would be associated with a great change in food industries. Pasta, as a healthy and valuable food, is used by many segments of the society. The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of different amounts of Inulin on the rheological properties of pasta dough. Therefore, the amounts of 1%, 2.5% and 5% Inulin were added to the pasta flour and the flour without Inulin was considered as control. Rheological properties of the doughs formed by these treatments were determined by Farinograph, Extensograph and Alveograph. The results showed that by increasing the percent of Inulin, the dough development time, dough stability and Farinograph quality number were decreased while the water absorption was increased. Also in Extensograph, energy, resistance to extension and dough elasticity was decreased. The swelling index and the length of Alveograph were increased by increasing of the percent of Inulin. On the other hand increasing the Inulin addition to 5% decreased the protein and ashe contents of the samples, but these changes were not statistically significant (>0.05). Over all 1% and 2.5% Inulin addition were generally selected as the best treatment because they had less effect on the rheological properties of dough. While pasta dough containing 1% Inulin was not optimum due to not having functional effects. Therefore, 2.5% was accepted as a best level of Inulin to be added to pasta dough.

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