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By attending of the Cabinet members at the first phase of Zar grains refinery wa ...

By attending of the Cabinet members at the first phase of Zar grains refinery was run

The first phase of the Zar grains refinery was started by attending of Dr. Jahangiri, the First Vice-President, Dr. Surena Sattari Science and Technology Vice President, Dr. S. Hosseini president and board member of the National Development Fund, Mr. Hojati, Minister of Agriculture, Mr.Haji Mirzaee cabinet secretary, Mr. Seyed Hamid Tahaee Alborz governor and a group of deputies and high-ranking managers.

This unique mega-project emphasizes on the benefits of supplying, production and distribution in regional and international areas, which can be defined as daily thousand of tons grain processing  , feed so many of subordinates in various branches  in refining industry and hopefully expected by completed launch of this unit it’ll be seen a fascinating switch in our country industry; in fact it’s a new view for Iran non-oil exports which is work based on native superior technical knowledge reliabilities of Iranian personnel.

Zar Industrial Development and Research’s Chairman, the refinery builder, has pointed to some advantage of the mega-project in on the ceremony, he said, " establishing at an essential transit intersection inside the country and accessing to the national rail way network are valid features of the refinery, so that’s an opportunity for exchanging technology, more effective presence in international markets and create sustainable occupations, which is able to aid the true resistance economy absolutely".

Morteza Soltani emphasized that "the establishment, implementation and operation of the refinery are carried on rapidly, such optimistically, by providing infrastructure, it’s going to run so closely". 

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