Zar Macaron Company, the best exporter in food industry
Zar Macaron Company is an international company, which is successful company in pasta and flour marketing in whole world.
Zar Macaron Company has been taking the top exporter certificate for five times.this year it became the top exporter for sixth time.
Head of Zar Industry Company, Mr.Soltani, was introduced as the top exporter in the ceremony. he said, ” nowadays, there are lots of new marketing all around the world, which are so strong and we ought to find out them and work on them technically.”
Inaddition, he told “these days, fortunately Iran has so many diplomacy discussions and it shows us, that our government is eager to have a clam relationship with other countries.
Mr.Soltani recalled that, mono-production doesn’t work at the present time; we couldn’t only be depended on oil income. It’s the time to consume our brain, plan, new adults and more experienced experts to improve our industry soon.