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Attendance of a group of researchers and specialists of Iran's industrial and sc ...

Top executives of Iran's industrial and scientific researches organization visited the production process of Zar research and industry group and got familiar with the modern technology in pasta industry. Reported by general relations of Zar research and industry group, top executives of research organization visited the production process of different kinds of pasta in 3 production center of Zar Macaron and expressed their satisfaction for utilizing the most equipped world technology in pasta production, also they sought for further cooperation in research and scientific fields with Zar research and industry group. In this visit, the top executives of Zar research and industry group welcomed the country's top researchers in this production center and described the development process in the industrial group as the following: Since its appearance in 1385, Zar Macaron production center has made a noticeable change in pasta industry like quality promotion, the variety of the product in the country and Iran's appearance in pasta exporting.

As its name reveals, Zar research and industry group is not just a production center, it is a research center which has been able to take giant actions in research and scientific fields in recent years by MortezaSoltani's management as well as his humane thoughts in management, also his morality in production and competition. Therefore, the establishment of Zar knowledge-based research center has provided the path for multilateral development and promotion to find new capacities in food industry and educate outstanding experts and specialists in science and practice university of Zar (ElmiKarbordi).

Experts and specialists in Iran's scientific and industrial research organization also got familiar with the points and details of production process in Zar Macaron corp. during the visit. Besides, there were scientific and research discussions. It was set that research and scientific cooperation of the two parties proceed continuously which could lead to signing common scientific cooperation agreement.

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